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About Me

About five years ago I got hooked on scrapbooking and became a consultant for Close to My Heart, leading to an addiction of all things scrapbook related. About that same time a friend took me to a bead show in Charleston, SC and a love of Swarovski Crystals lead to an addiction of making my own jewelry and a realization that I have an addictive personality. I now use my creativity to create individualized wedding and birth announcements, wedding and special event jewelry, as well holding classes to teach others what I love. Stinky Mutt Designs is who I am, in honor of the three dogs who sleep at my feet or rest their heads on my lap while I create, and whom more often than not, inspire my scrapbooks. Here's to my mutts Apollo, Katahdin and Sadie and especially for Meester Bago, my "nephew" and the original stinky mutt.

Melanie Parker Creations